The Dangers of Distracted Driving in Knoxville

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Distracted driving poses significant risks to drivers and other road users, and statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that distracted driving took the lives of over 3,500 people in the United States in 2021. In Knoxville, Tennessee, raising awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and providing tips on how to avoid it can help decrease the number of accidents. 

Types of Distraction While Driving

The main types of driving distractions are visual, manual, and cognitive. 

  • Visual distractions can occur when your eyes are diverted from the road, such as looking at a GPS or checking a phone.
  • Manual driving distractions divert a driver's hands from the steering wheel, such as adjusting the radio, eating, or reaching for objects.
  • Cognitive driving distraction can occur when you divert your mental focus from operating the vehicle. It can result from daydreaming, conversations, or thinking about daily stressors. Cognitive distraction impairs a driver's ability to perceive, process, and respond to road conditions, increasing the risk of accidents.

Distracted Driving Statistics in Tennessee

According to data from the Tennessee Highway Safety Office, there were over 24,000 crashes involving distracted drivers in the state in 2021. Out of those crashes, 385 were fatal. Additionally, surveys show that 90% of Tennessee drivers admit to engaging in some form of distracted driving in the past month, whether texting, eating, talking on the phone, or interacting with passengers. 

However, Tennessee has made some progress in recent years. From 2018 to 2021, distracted driving-related crashes in the state decreased by 15%, thanks to increased public awareness campaigns and stricter laws banning phone use while driving. But with nearly 1 in 4 fatal crashes in Tennessee still linked to distracted driving, ongoing efforts are needed to curb this high-risk behavior further and prevent unnecessary tragedies on the state's roads. 

How to Avoid Distracted Driving

Prioritizing safety on the road can help prevent distracted driving. Here are some practical tips to consider:

  • Keep your phone out of reach: Using your phone while driving is a significant distraction. Put it in a place that's not easily accessible, turn it off, or use a hands-free device if you must take a call.
  • Avoid eating and drinking: Consuming food or beverages while driving is a manual distraction that increases the risk of accidents. Enjoying your meals or snacks before or after your trip is safer.
  • Set up your GPS before driving: Make sure your GPS is programmed and ready before you start your journey. Adjusting it while driving can be visually and mentally distracting.
  • Focus on driving: Engaging in other tasks, like doing your makeup or adjusting your clothes, can compromise your driving ability. It is advisable to avoid multitasking while behind the wheel and concentrate on the road.
  • Pull over when necessary: If you need to make a call or attend to something demanding your attention, find a safe spot to pull over before doing so.

Contact G3 Help Me Today for Help

Contact an experienced Knoxville car accident attorney if you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident. At The Law Offices of G. Turner Howard III, we are ready to provide the guidance you require to protect your rights and pursue fair compensation. Contact us now for a free consultation with a Knoxville car accident lawyer.

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