Should I Hire a Lawyer After Being in an Uber or Lyft Car Accident?

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There is no doubt that ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft have transformed the way people all over the world travel from one place to another. Today, Uber has the largest market share in the United States, with over 110 million active users. It also employs approximately 4 million drivers across the globe. Lyft, which came into the market shortly after Uber, boasts a 32% market share in America, with more than 12 million active users accessing the Lyft app quarterly.

Like many people across the country, Knoxville residents also rely on the convenience of Uber and Lyft to get around. Unfortunately, with so many rideshare vehicles out on the road, accidents continue to rise. So, what happens if you’re involved in an Uber or Lyft accident in Knoxville? 

If you suffered serious injuries following the accident, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries and damages. The best place to start is to hire a qualified Knoxville Rideshare Accident Attorney to help you file a compensation claim. The Law Offices of G. Turner Howard III has an experienced legal team to help you file a rideshare accident claim and navigate the complex legal process.

Steps to Take Following a Rideshare Accident

In most cases, rideshare apps provide limited information on what to do after being involved in an accident. The advice most commonly recommended is to call a rideshare accident attorney. While Uber and Lyft are different, there are common steps to follow to neutralize the situation. This applies to passengers in a rideshare vehicle and drivers of other vehicles.

  • Report The Accident To Law Enforcement: After an Uber or Lyft accident, it’s important to call law enforcement to the scene. A police report with crucial information, including how, why, and when the accident occurred, as well as who is at fault, will be documented. Make sure that you keep your copy of the police report. 
  • Seek Medical Attention: You should seek medical attention after a rideshare accident, even if you think you’ve only suffered minor injuries. Shock may prevent you from feeling pain, and you might not know the extent of your injuries right away. Additionally, insurance companies and their adjusters question every detail and neglecting to seek immediate medical attention gives them a reason to conclude that the injury was less severe.
  • Report the Incident to Uber or Lyft: This should be done immediately. Never assume that the Uber or Lyft driver will report the incident to their company. There have been claims of rideshare companies removing drivers from their system after being involved in an accident, so some drivers don’t report the accident for fear of losing their job.
  • Document the Scene: Start taking pictures of the scene immediately after the accident, and remember to record your injuries and any damages caused. If possible, ask witnesses and document what they say they saw. This is also a good time for you to establish whether they would be willing to testify in court on your behalf. Collect contact information, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses. 
  • Collect Insurance Information: Remember to collect the insurance information of the driver. An important thing to keep in mind is not to discuss your rideshare accident claim with the insurance company or any other insurance representative before speaking to a lawyer.

How a Rideshare Attorney Can Help Your Case

Filing a claim for rideshare accidents can be complicated and often involve long, stressful processes, like navigating the complexities of insurance policies to calculating losses and dealing with Uber or Lyft’s legal team. Working with a skilled rideshare accident attorney will: 

  • Investigate Your Case: Hiring an attorney specializing primarily in rideshare accidents gives you an edge. Their solid knowledge and experience in rideshare laws and insurance companies will be extremely helpful. Your lawyer can help investigate your case to determine liability and file a rideshare accident claim against the at-fault party.
  • Determine the Value of Your Claim: A rideshare accident lawyer can also help calculate your claim’s worth. If you have not been in such a situation before, it’s easy to assume that launching a claim will just involve determining the value of medical costs and asking to be compensated by the insurer. However, if you’re not familiar with the dynamics of the legal systems, it’s easy to underestimate the worth of your injuries and damages. 
  • Filing a Rideshare Accident Claim: An attorney can work with you to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company. They will negotiate with the insurance company and provide the necessary representation to ensure you get fair compensation.

Contact Knoxville Rideshare Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one has been involved in a Knoxville rideshare accident and need help, we’re here for you. Our rideshare accident attorneys have substantial knowledge of rideshare law and insurance claims. We will provide experienced legal representation to protect your rights and obtain the compensation you deserve.

Contact us to discuss your case confidentially with G. Turner Howard III, the leading Knoxville rideshare accident attorney at The Law Offices of G. Turner Howard III.

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